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Nic Starr

Nic Starr lives in Australia where she tries to squeeze as much into her busy life as possible. Balancing the demands of a corporate career with raising a family and writing can be challenging but she wouldn’t give it up for the world.

Always a reader, the lure of m/m romance was strong and she devoured hundreds of wonderful m/m romance books before eventually realising she had some stories of her own that needed to be told!

When not writing or reading, she loves to spend time with her family–an understanding husband and two beautiful daughters–and is often found indulging in her love of cooking and planning her dream home in the country.

Sign up to Nic's Newsletter and receive a FREE ebook.

Currently reading

One True Thing
Piper Vaughn, M.J. O'Shea
Sweet Delight
Lynn Hagen
It Should Have Been You
Michael Murphy
The Prisoner (Broken, #1)
Kol Anderson
Crack the Darkest Sky Wide Open
S.J.D. Peterson, Eric Arvin, Abigail Roux, T.J. Klune, S.A. McAuley, Jason Huffman-Black
Man, Oh Man! Writing M/M Fiction for Kinks & Cash
Josh Lanyon
Artistic Appeal (Bottled Up, #6)
Andrew Grey

Nothing Serious by Jay Northcote

Nothing Serious - Jay Northcote

The Blurb...


Mark O’Brien is finally being honest with himself. His relationship with Rachel is over and he’s moving out of the home they've shared for six years. They get along, but he can’t fix a relationship when the person he's with is the wrong gender.


Jamie Robertson, one of the removal men, is huge and ridiculously gorgeous, and Mark is smitten at first sight. When a cardboard box splits, revealing items of a personal nature that Mark never wanted anybody to see, he's mortified. But it sparks the start of a beautiful friendship with benefits.


As Jamie initiates Mark into the joys of gay sex, the two men get increasingly close and “nothing serious” turns into something rather important to both of them. But communication isn’t their strong point. Will either man ever find the courage to be honest about his feelings?


So what did I think?


I liked this story, mainly because both the main characters were both so nice! The story follows Mark, who finally comes out after many years of marriage, as he is initiated into the joys of gay sex by Jamie, whom he meets when Jamie is the removalist helping him move into his own flat.


The reasons for Mark ending up married "I think I just wanted to be what everyone expected me to be.." were relatively simple and his break up with his wife not overdone. It wasn't necessarily a happy break up but neither was it too easy - realistic.


Jamie is younger than Mark and although not overly experienced, takes on the role of providing Mark with the touch he has been craving. Jamie is wonderful with a warm and caring nature and so endearing as he struggles with his dyslexia. His family are also a wonderful addition to the story.


I enjoyed the sweet story from the first realisation of shared interests which occurs over a broken packing box filled with Mark's collection of DVDs and toys, through the sexual exploration, through the emotional miscommunication and to the last pages where Jamie is moving his own possessions, echoing the beginning of the book.




To find out more about Jay Northcote and her writing visit her website.


Buy Nothing Serious from Amazon. Buy Nothing Serious from Dreamspinner Press.


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Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-op

Fantasy for Sale by Sage Marlowe

Fantasy for Sale - Sage Marlowe

The Blurb...


What's the price of reality when a fantasy is for sale?


Cam is young, sinfully sexy and willing to play without limits, a combination which makes him a fantasy turned to flesh for men and women alike - and he's for sale.

Nate is curious when it comes to carnal delights but hasn't found the right man to explore his desires with.


When a friend buys Nate a few hours of pleasure with Cam, it's not much of a surprise that Nate ends up intrigued. He keeps coming back for more and the attraction between them appears to be mutual but while Nate finds himself falling for the sexy hooker, Cam makes no secret of the fact that for him, sex is just a job.


Determined to win him over, Nathan tries to show him that sex is about more than physical satisfaction but Cam's walls seem impenetrable until a dramatic event forces him to reveal some of his secrets and Nate begins to understand that Cam pays more than just the price for the reality behind the fantasy.


So what did I think?


"Yeah, we have great chemistry - so what? If I'd known it was going to give you fuzzy, warm feelings for me, I wouldn't have done it. I warned you the last time. Open your eyes, Nate. This isn't some kind of Hollywood fairy tale. My life isn't a cliche. It is, well, what it is. Business. With all the filth and slime you'd expect around someone like me."


In some ways this story has a fairly standard plot. Nate and Cam meet while Cam is working. They have a physical relationship - hot and steamy - but Nate wants more. He falls for Cam and has hopes of rescuing him from the life he is leading. But there is a certain depth to the story as the characters reveal more about themselves.


Cam (Noel) runs from Nate, trying to protect himself, believing he can only survive if he keeps himself distant and doesn't let himself feel too much. Nate is just too tempting so Cam chooses the option of leaving rather than risk being hurt by falling in love. I was a little surprised that Nate let him walk away and waited so long to go after him!


The story culminates in Cam (Noel) finally letting Nate see more of his true self. There is no huge happy ending, more a sense that these two men might somehow make things work - while Noel isn't ready to proclaim his love, he is ready to try. This actually gave me hope that things would work out - a fresh start based on honesty without false promises.



To find out more about Sage Marlowe and his books visit his website.


Buy Fantasy for Sale from Amazon.


Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-ol
Reblogged from Princess Eva Rose:

Too true! When you don't like the ending to a book the shock, frustration, anger or pissed-off-ness can simmer for days! :)


Soulless by T. Baggins - Blog tour, excerpt, review and giveaway!

Soulless - T. Baggins

Make sure you check out the Rafflecopter details at the bottom of this post for details of how you can win some fabulous prizes!



Title - Soulless

Author - T. Baggins

Genre - M/M Romance, Historical, Paranormal

Publication Date - 28th July 2013






A Man of Science Nicholas Robinson is a chemist decades ahead of his time. Crippled by a riding accident and embittered by his injuries, he shuns the world, focusing on his laboratory and experiments. But when the sale of his country estate, Grantley, leads to an encounter with a vampire, Nicholas realizes there is more in heaven and earth than he ever dreamed possible. A Creature of Darkness Although three hundred years old, Bancroft Ulwin is young by supernatural standards. Enslaved by his cruel, deformed maker, Ban is forbidden from relations with mortal men unless it ends in death. But his liaison with Nicholas, expressly against his master’s wishes, soon expands beyond mere lust to something more. A Love Predestined Long ago while still mortal, Ban met Serafino, the only true love of his life. When death separated them, Ban accepted his role as an enemy of human kind. But as he comes to suspect Nicholas is Serafino reincarnated, Ban begins to question everything he once believed. Including his own damnation.






Ban withdrew Nicholas’s straight razor from its tattered silk case. Taking the strop from its wall-peg, he worked the razor up and down the leather, twice testing the blade against the tip of his tongue. “Perfect,” he said at last. Lifting the ewer, he filled Nicholas’s shaving cup with water. It didn’t take much effort with a boar-bristle brush to coax the dried soap into thick white lather. Tossing a towel around Nicholas’s shoulders, Ban bent over him, humming. “Your heart is hammering again. Will you miss the beard so much?” he asked, painting it with gobs of foam. “Sometimes it’s easier to face the world with your own face concealed.” “That’s naught but rank cowardice.” Catching Nicholas by the throat, Ban forced his neck flush with the chair back, placing the razor’s flat edge against his cheek. “Believe me in this, if you believe nothing else—cowardice is not your natural state. Now. Try and hold still.” Ban kept on humming as he scraped away Nicholas’s beard, working slowly and methodically. Only once did Ban nick him, and that was when he leaned closer to attend the area between Nicholas’s nose and mouth. The shift in pressure jarred Nicholas’s lower half. As he flinched, the blade jerked, and a droplet of salty red oozed onto his upper lip. “Oh. My.” Ban set the razor aside. Removing the towel and shaking bits of beard onto the floor, he used a clean corner to wipe around Nicholas’s mouth, carefully avoiding the blood. Then kneeling before Nicholas, Ban brought their mouths together, cleaning away the blood with wet, luxuriant strokes. Transfixed, Nicholas had a sudden vision of himself: stripped to the waist, flesh cut in dozens of places, rivulets of blood decorating his cheeks, biceps, nipples. Offering himself as a feast, an unfolding banquet for all Ban’s senses…. The vampire pulled away. Nicholas made a little noise of frustration. “Ah, but your shave is not yet complete.” Ban’s upper lip bore a trace of white lather that he wiped away, smiling. “Despite all sweet distractions, I must finish shaping your side-whiskers. Sharp points, I think, drawing the eye to your perfectly formed lips.” Soon it was done. Wringing out a freshly-soaked towel, Ban wiped Nicholas’s face again, tousling his hair for good measure. Then he shifted Nicholas in his chair, tilting the washstand’s looking glass until Nicholas saw himself beardless for the first time in four years. To his surprise, he was still handsome, hardly aged by his orgy of pain, hard drinking, and self-pity. The wild, unkempt beard seemed like part of a nightmare; it was as if the real Nicholas Robinson had risen from the grave. “Yes, you are a beauty,” Ban said. “Now. Can you undress for bed, or must I assist you?” “I….”  Nicholas forced himself to swallow the protest. “Help me to rise, and I’ll do the rest myself.” It wasn’t easy, removing his clothes while Ban, still fully dressed, stood and watched. Hanging his coat on the chair, Nicholas unbuttoned his waistcoat slowly. After the waistcoat, he pulled his shirt free, letting the white muslin fall almost to his knees. Next he unwound his cravat, dropping it on the floor. His hands shook…






Firstly, this book deserves multiple stars for the cover alone! It's covers like this that make me really sorry that I read from a Kindle and don't have the opportunity to admire hard copy! It may not necessarily evoke the darkness of the story but it sure is drool-worthy!

This is not your usual run of the mill paranormal romance. This is intriguing and captivating. The characters are fascinating and the plot unusual.


From the early chapters, the characters of Nicholas and Bancroft were totally engaging and their situation definitely interesting.  The story also includes wonderful secondary characters, particularly Martha and Nicholas' grandmother.


Nicholas may have a position of status but a dreadful accident has left him physically incapacitated and living the sad life of someone believing they are destined to be alone and not enjoy the love of another and joy of physical intimacy. But for all his position and reclusiveness, Nicholas is a caring man, taking the servant girl Martha under his wing. He tutors her and more importantly protects her, putting her life before everything he owns and everything he is.


Bancroft is a murdering Vampire under the control of Sebastian who tortures him. Through flashbacks we learn of his human life, his loves and losses and the events that lead to his life with Sebastian. Ban is definitely a character who develops over the duration of the story, or at least my perception of him changed as I learnt more.

 This is a historical tale with a real sense of the time and place, the formality of the language well in tune with the period. But it's essence is a horror story. There are evil characters (Sebastian is totally cringe worthy) with violence and torture and rape. Some of these aspects aren't for the faint-hearted. But there is also love - love that transcends time.


The story is a complex one with surprises and revelations with twists and the unexpected. Very unique!


4 Stars



Find out more about T. Baggins


Add the book to your Goodreads bookshelf by clicking here.  Find out more about T. Baggins on Facebook or her blog or follow on Twitter.

Orphaned at birth, T. Baggins was raised by wolves until age fourteen, when the pack moved on one night without a forwarding address. Returning to human society, Ms. Baggins taught herself to read and write by studying fan fiction. Cutting her teeth on Kirk/Spock (Star Trek: The Original Series, baby!) she soon began slashing rock stars and X-Men. Despite a lifetime spent in the southern U.S., T. Baggins considers herself a citizen of the cosmos and a freethinker, which is good, because no one has offered so much as a penny for her thoughts. In her spare time she enjoys blogging at Shades of Gay, emptying gin bottles and tweeting into the void as @therealtbaggins.




Where to buy the book

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Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-nt

The Night Visitor by Ewan Creed

The Night Visitor - Ewan Creed

The Blurb...


Everyone likes sexually exploring. Finding things that turn you on, experimenting to see what gets you off… Hot partners and scenarios that scare some people and make others slick with desire… But what happens when the fantasies you’re living out are in your dreams? And what happens when these dreams seem to transcend into the real world as well? Could these be the creation of your hot, sultry and sexy mind, or is there something more to it? The Night Visitor exposes one man’s journey to sexual fulfillment and fantasy… but is it real?


So what did I think?


The Night Visitor is part of the Charlie Harding presents series ....."Exclusive to Wilde City Press comes a selection of premium, black label books presented by internationally-renowned and award winning adult entertainer, Charlie Harding. Each sizzling story has been personally chosen by Charlie for the quality of its storytelling, its steaminess...and the fact that it got Charlie Harding hard." and this book does deliver what Charlie promises..a bit of sizzle and a lot of steaminess (we'll have to take Charlie's word on the rest!)


The premise is interesting and the story has an air of mystery - Kevin's recurring dream about sexual exploits with the man who haunts him in his dreams. Who is the man? Why does Kevin dream about him? This book is about fulfilling fantasies and Kevin's fantasies are realised while he sleeps. He dreams hot and hard. The words aren't pretty, it's blunt and unapologetic and the language used serves the purpose - this sex is often raw.


Interestingly, the twists at the end, the revelation of the mystery introduce a hint of romance as mystery dream man Vic, gradually reveals himself and reminds Kevin of promises made - vows of unconditional love.


I really liked the sense of mystery, the quality of the dream sequences (disjointed enough to seem dreamlike but not jumping all over the place) and the final revelations.


A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.


To find out more about Ewan Creed and his books visit his Goodreads Author Profile or his Wilde City Press author page.


Buy The Night Visitor from Wilde City Press.

Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-o3

Bad Idea by Damon Suede

Bad Idea - Damon Suede


The blurb...


Some mistakes are worth making. 

Reclusive comic book artist Trip Spector spends his life doodling super-square, straitlaced superheroes, hiding from his fans, and crushing on his unattainable boss until he meets the dork of his dreams. Silas Goolsby is a rowdy FX makeup creator with a loveless love life and a secret streak of geek who yearns for unlikely rescues and a truly creative partnership.

Against their better judgment, they fall victim to chemistry, and what starts as infatuation quickly grows tender and terrifying. With Silas’s help, Trip gambles his heart and his art on a rotten plan: sketching out Scratch, a “very graphic novel” that will either make his name or wreck his career. But even a smash can't save their world if Trip retreats into his mild-mannered rut, leaving Silas to grapple with betrayal and emotions he can't escape. 

What will it take for this dynamic duo to discover that heroes never play it safe?


So what did I think?


I was very excited to read Bad Idea, enticed by the blurb and with high expectations based on previous reading of the author's work - specifically Hot Head which I read a while ago but just finished rereading by listening to the audio version and it was brilliant! If you get a chance, do check it out as Charlie David's narration really enhances the experience!


But back to Bad Idea....the fabulous characters totally carried this story and pulled me in to a world that sometimes doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I am not a comic fan, I didn't understand a lot of the tv show, movie or cultural references but I definitely appreciated the world's inhabited by Trip and Silas and their shared geekiness.


I loved both characters from the first moment they were introduced. They were complex and had real depth. They were real men with hopes, desires and flaws. And it was the flaws, the doubts, the uncertainly that really drew me in. In the beginning of the story,


Trip was sweet and awkward and bit bumbling in his dating encounters with Silas, so unsure of himself, whereas Silas appears relaxed. But as the story unfolds there is so much more to Silas than initially presented.


The story follows the relationship between the men as they learn to overcome the fears that have prevented them having committed relationships in the past but also deal with a myriad of issues in their careers. We learn of Silas' world of makeup artistry and get some inside view into the gaming industry through Silas' best friend Kurt. But it is Trip's graphic story Scratch that I found most interesting. Of course, I now have to read Horn Gate! Horn Gate is Scratch's story.  (Horn Gate.)


While I don't truly understand the comic scene, the fans and the conventions, it didn't distract from the story. There are references that totally went over my head but I don't think knowing the quotes and references was required, it was enough to understand the intentions. However, what I did find slightly distracting, was my inability to follow the dialogue at times. I wasn't necessarily clear on who was saying what at times. This lead to me rereading paragraphs to clarify and ultimately totally slowing my reading speed to ensure I was not losing the story. This didn't impact my overall enjoyment of the story but was something that definitely stood out.


This is a story of taking chances and overcoming fears. It is sweet and geeky and emotional. It contains some hot sex but ultimately it is about love.


4 Stars


A copy of this book was provided by the publisher (via Netgalley) in return for an honest review.


To find out more about Damon Suede and his books visit his website.


Buy Bad Idea from Dreamspinner Press.

Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-nZ

After The Fall by L.A. Witt

After The Fall - L.A. Witt

This is book 6 in the Tucker Springs Series (but can be read stand alone).


  • Where Nerves End (book #1) by L.A. Witt
  • Second Hand (book #2) by Marie Sexton
  • Dirty Laundry (book #3) by Heidi Cullinan
  • Covet Thy Neighbor (book #4) by L.A. Witt - click here for review
  • Never A Hero (book #5) by Marie Sexton - click here for review
  • After the Fall by L.A. Witt (book #6) - in this review



The Blurb...


After years of saving every penny, Nathan has finally managed to buy the horse of his dreams. He’s looking forward to a summer of exploring the Colorado mountain trails above Tucker Springs with Tsarina. But on their very first ride, a motorcyclist makes a wrong turn, scaring Tsarina into bolting and leaving Nathan with a broken leg, a broken hand, and a ruined summer.


Ryan is a loner and a nomad, content with working odd jobs before moving on to the next town. Feeling guilty for causing the accident that leaves Nathan in two casts, Ryan offers to keep Tsarina exercised until Nathan heals. Despite their bad start, Nathan and Ryan soon become friends . . . and then much more. But with a couple of nasty breakups in his past, Nathan doesn’t want feelings getting involved—especially knowing that Ryan will never settle down. But since when do feelings ever listen to reason?


So what did I think?


Once again it was nice to return to Tucker Springs, the town that has seen the start of some wonderful relationships. After The Fall is the story of Nathan and Ryan who meet after Ryan rides his motorbike into the path of Nathan's horse, causing Nathan to fall and be injured. Instead of Nathan spending his summer riding the horse he has dreamed about and saved for, he finds himself falling for the man of his dreams - literally!


Ryan is the ultimate nice guy. From their first meeting, in less than perfect circumstances, his actions demonstrate to Nathan just what type of man he is and he gradually earns Nathan's trust. The slow and steady build from friendship to more was very well done and it was a sweet journey.


The story is told from Nathan's POV and it is interesting to see him deal with needing to depend on someone for his physical needs but also his fear of loving someone again. Ryan's nomadic ways give Nathan a false sense of security that their relationship will be temporary so it comes somewhat as a shock to him when he discovers that love has crept up on him after all.


Combining some drama, a gorgeous horse, and two men who are both very likable, this story was a lovely addition to the Tucker Springs series.


A copy of this book was provided by the publisher in return for an honest review.


For more information about L.A. Witt and her books visit her website.


Buy After the Fall from Amazon.


Buy After The Fall from Riptide.


Related articles
Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-nR

Pitch by Will Parkinson

Pitch - Will Parkinson

The blurb...


The day Jackson Kern walks into Taylor Andrews’s classroom is a momentous day in Taylor's life. He's had crushes before, sure, but as time goes on, this is starting to look a whole lot more serious. Still, Jackson doesn’t return Taylor’s feelings.


Taylor has his own admirers, though. Kevin Richards is used to getting what he wants, and what he wants right now is Taylor, so when Taylor rejects him, Kevin retaliates.


At first Taylor’s entourage rallies around him, but then Kevin takes his deception one step further and Taylor sees his support dwindle, teaching him the valuable lesson about who he can truly consider a friend.


* A Harmony Ink Press Young Adult Title


So what did I think?


I found Pitch a wonderful story for many and varied reasons - the characters, the handling of very serious issues, the emotions, the happy ending! Taylor and Jackson's journey was totally engaging and I enjoyed the emotional elements. The insight into Taylor's feelings was a sweet study of unrequited love and the details behind Jackson's own story came as a bit of surprise. There was something about both characters that drew me in.


The drama consists of scheming and deception to prevent Taylor and Jackson getting together, impacting both boys in an emotional way but also very serious violence caused by Kevin's retaliation against Taylor for rejecting his advances. It was so interesting to see violence portrayed in such a way and not the typical straight boy beating on the gay boy.


My only real concern was in relation to understanding how Jackson came to his conclusions about Taylor. Why did he admire him? Was it because of of his volunteering work or how he coped with all the issues around his coming out? I felt that he had never really spoken to Taylor to get to know him properly so found his comments about how he had admired him for so long a bit puzzling.


This book definitely had it's warm and fuzzy moments and the grand gestures and public proclamations which I totally love! But I think some of the secondary characters were actually highlights.


I loved Taylor's mum and dad and the subtle way his dad let Taylor know that he had nothing to worry about in coming out, that he would always be loved and nothing he could ever do would change that.


Benny is an absolutely wonderful best friend to Taylor. Every kid needs a best friend like Benny!

"Tay, look...you know I love you in a completely nonsexual-keep-it-in-your-pants kind of way, but you really got to let this go, man. It's going to drive you nuts, which is going to drive me nuts in return." He has Taylor's best interests at heart and is supportive and encouraging. Some of the best lines in the book come from Benny's acceptance of his friend's sexuality. He is totally comfortable with Taylor to the point of being able to easily joke but his honesty is what I admired most - his ability to say what he felt....

"God, I swear... if you were a girl, you would be so mine," Benny said quietly. Taylor laughed. "You could always come over the dark side, dude." "The think is, sometimes, if I could, I think I'd do it just so I could be with you," came the whispered answer.


So please, Will, may we have some more of Benny's story next?


4 Stars


To find out more about Will Parkinson and his books visit his website.


Buy Pitch from Amazon.

Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-nO

Texas Family by R.J. Scott

Texas Family  - RJ Scott

This great series mainly follows one couple, Riley and Jack.  


Click here for the review of the first three books.


  • The Heart of Texas (book #1)
  • Texas Winter (book #2)
  • Texas Heat (book #3)
  • Texas Family (book #4) - in this review




The Blurb...


Jack and Riley Campbell-Hayes begin a journey that will change their lives forever. Set against the backdrop of the Double D, the cast of the Texas books face changes that won’t leave a single one of them untouched. Jack and Riley want to extend their small family of three.


Their first choice is surrogacy with Jack as the father and when all this begins smoothly both men can't help but contemplate at what point would things go wrong. After all, their lives are far from normal and nothing is ever smooth. Add a small four year old boy in foster care into the mix and suddenly things become a whole lot more complicated.


So what did I think?


Texas Family really is about family! The story is much focused on Jack and Riley and family they are looking to build. They already have one daughter and are now looking at surrogacy and adoption. The previous book very much had a soap opera feel with lots of drama and action and new characters. This book has a slower pace and more of a sense of domesticity. I actually liked the dose of reality as the men faced their doubts about choosing the right surrogate, their worry throughout the pregnancy and their concern about raising their children in a household such as theirs - busy lives, full careers, and yes, the two dad's issue. There is also a special needs child who they take into their hearts.


You definitely do need to read this series in order to follow the back stories and to know who the characters are - but that's actually a good thing because who would want to miss any of it?! I appreciated the fact that the author didn't rehash the previous story lines to bring new readers up to speed but still allowed these stories to continue into the new book. We were provided with a glimpse of the issues that Eden was facing with Sean, continued concerns about Beth's health and got to see a little bit (maybe not enough?) of Eli and Robbie.


But rest assured, although we see Jack and Riley largely in the role of fathers - school visits, doctor's appointments, family functions - they are still hugely passionate with each other - the barn especially plays a key role both in Jack's fantasy and in one particular encounter! This is one of those stories where reading is really like spending time with old friends which makes for warm and fuzzy reading.


One final comment...on a side note, and totally unrelated to my enjoyment of the story itself is the cover. I LOVE the pics of Jack and Riley and have always thought these men were so appealing on the covers of all the book in the series. They don't disappoint on this cover either (totally gorgeous) but I wasn't overly excited by the kids. I found they had a slightly old-fashioned feel but more than that, thought they maybe gave away the plot just a little too much - it wasn't hard to guess how things would turn out.


Many thanks to the author who provided a copy of this book in return for an honest review.




To find out more about. R.J. Scott and her books, visit her website.


Buy the Texas series from Amazon.


Check out my blog (Because Two Men Are Better Than One!) for other reviews of books and series by R.J. Scott as I can highly recommend them all!

Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-nJ

Northern Star by Ethan Day

Northern StarThe Blurb...


Deacon Miller never had it all—he never really believed he could. Growing up in a broken home with an alcoholic mother and a revolving door of truly pathetic father figures taught him to keep his expectations low. Now at twenty-seven, on the night before Christmas Eve, his life is turned upside down yet again; his boyfriend has dumped him, he just fled the holiday family reunion from hell, and now to top it all off, a blizzard has left him stranded in an airport hotel.


Steve Steele has spent the better part of his forty-four years living a lie, ignoring his attraction to other men in an attempt to fit into the mold of the man he thought he should be, instead of living life as the man he knew himself to be. Recently divorced after coming home from work one day and coming out to his wife, Steve has floundered over the past year, desperately attempting to wade through the guilt and find the courage to start again.


That’s when a chance meeting in a hotel bar brings two lonely men together… and what should’ve been a one night stand turns into something much more than either one ever expected.


So what did I think?


Northern Star was a wonderful way to spend a couple hours and it was a pleasure to get to know Steve and Deacon. Their first meeting at a hotel bar sets the tone for the whole book as they enjoy a nice easy and teasing banter. It was so much fun to follow the conversation back and forth....


Deacon faced Steve, propping up his elbow on the bar for support. "Say, you can't be too much of a dick, you at least asked how I'm doing, right?" "Well, you did mention doing me before. I became infinitely more invested at that point."


followed shortly by....


"No, I apparently suffer from low self-esteem and have an unfortunate attraction to loose-moraled men with little to no character." "Sweet, so my chances of getting lucky just skyrocketed."


But what makes this book special is how special Deacon and Steve really are for each other. Even from their first meeting Deacon recognises that Steve has shown him more kindness than his own mother and the boyfriend who had left him. Patty, Deacon's mother, is just awful and such a contrast to the sweet and caring Steve who is an all-round good guy in all he says and does.


Steve has faced his own challenges, coming out and leaving his wife after initially denying his own sexuality. The author did a fabulous of job of conveying the impact of Steve's decision to leave his wife and step-daughter (which he did well before meeting Deacon). It wasn't easy and things aren't perfect but he has maintained a friendship of sorts with his ex-wife. Her inclusion in the book allows us to see another side of Steve.


The secondary characters complement the story so well. Jimmy is totally amusing as Steve's best friend and Deacon's sister Ashley is nice and cute and a crack up...totally loved her response when Deacon states that he will not be helping her with BJ advice. "Well, that's just stupid. What's the point of having a gay older brother then?"


This book blended the emotional journey with regular smatterings of amusing moments right the way through to the warm and happy ending.


Thank you to the publisher of this book who provided a copy in return for an honest review.


To find out more about Ethan Day and his books visit his website.


Buy Northern Star from Amazon.


Buy Northern Star from Wilde City Press.

Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-np
Cultivating Love - Addison Albright


Cultivating Love by Addison Albright


The blurb...


A man of few words, Joe is a hard-working farmhand who likes his simple, uncomplicated life. Ed is satisfied with his existence as an auto mechanic, but thrilled when an unexpected development in his life allows him to help Joe realize a dream. It forces them, however, to reevaluate the casual, undefined nature of their relationship.


They're too macho to speak of love, and neither would ever dream of acknowledging he doesn't really mind when it's his turn to bottom. When life throws them a curve ball, and the rules of their game get old, Ed makes an effort to take every aspect of their relationship up a notch. Will Joe be able to adapt to the open sentimentality Ed's injecting into their relationship, let alone the new spice in their bedroom activities?


So what did I think?


This book had something just a little bit special with it look at the relationship between Joe and Ed. Joe and Ed have been together for a long time but it is change in their circumstances that brings about changes in their relationship. An inheritance means that Ed can now provide a different kind of life for himself and Joe. They are both hardworking and honest men and they love each other. They have just been restrained in the way they show each other.


As they start their new life, Ed's gesture of sharing confirms his love and respect for Joe and kick starts some broader changes as both men start acknowledging the emotional side of their relationship. This includes being able to verbally acknowledge their love and changes in their physical relationship that accompany their changing attitudes.


The secondary character of Joe' sister Jenny injected a burst of fun and youth with her easy going and accepting attitude and the town's folk were wonderful (well most of them anyway!) The guys face gaining acceptance in their new town and dealing with some pretty serious actions against them, in a well told story that is engaging and easy to read. 


To find out more about Addison Albright and her books visit her website.


Buy Cultivating Love from Amazon.


Buy Cultivating Love from Loose ID.

Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-nj

Tag Team by S.J.D. Peterson

Tag Team - S.J.D. Peterson

The Guards of Folsom series:



The Blurb...


Following the death of their sub, the former owners of the Guards of Folsom, Robert “Bobby” Alcott and Rig Beckworth, were left to pick up the pieces as best they could. After seven years, these two Doms are ready to move on and find the boy who will complete them.


Their painful past comes crashing back when they meet Mason Howard, a submissive who just weeks ago lost his Doms in a car accident. Reeling from overwhelming grief that’s complicated by a severe social anxiety disorder, Mason can barely leave his home.


When Rig and Bobby find him, he’s hit rock bottom, believing life is no longer worth living. Bobby and Rig set out to prove the younger man wrong. Fate has brought the three men together, but they’ll have to face fear and loss head on before they can all truly live again.


So what did I think?


This book was unexpected in many ways - such a powerful portrayal of grief and the effect loss has on someone not prepared to go out into the world. From the very beginning the grief is palpable as Mason faces the trauma of losing both his Doms in one horrifying accident. Alone and suffering, Mason finally decides he can't face the future until fate intervenes.


Mason appeared much younger than his thirties, perhaps due to the circumstances of his anxiety disorder, and he is certainly in need of care. Bobby and Rig stumble on Mason while they are on holidays and are immediately drawn to him with a strong desire to protect the fragile man. "What were the chances these men would show up in his life when they did? What were the chances that he'd respond to them the way he had? What were the chances that he'd feel calm and safe within the presence of these men, when his entire life he'd been so afraid of strangers?"


The building of the relationship was handled beautifully with a couple of key strengths that provided a sense of realism and permanence to the bond between the three men. Firstly, the sexual elements were not rushed and secondly even Mason himself questions the reason he can move on seemingly so quickly "Was he grasping on to something that wasn't real? Hoping to replace the irreplaceable?" There is a sense of trust and deep caring that gradually becomes more..."A connection born out of pain and loss was solidified while standing under the spray of the cascading shower, or maybe he just hadn't realized that it had been growing stronger and more complete each day they spent together and only now comprehended the significance of their relationship."


This book treats the Mason's mental and emotional problems with seriousness, both Bobby and Rig insisting that Mason needs both adequate supervision (to ensure he doesn't do anything silly) and also proper professional assistance. This is not a quick fix situation but a long term plan to ensure his full health, addressing the grief but just as importantly finally addressing the long term anxiety suffered by Mason.


The Doms were both gorgeous, fussing over Mason and being so loving. Both Bobby and Rig are just big softies at heart! I loved the way Bobby was described as being "the nurturing type, the one who cooked, fussed over dusty baseboards, and the one to tend a red ass or put salve on a flogged back."


This is not so much a book about dominance and submission but more a story of overcoming grief and learning to love again. It was also very special to read the author's note. My heart broke a little as SJD (Jo) Peterson shared a little of her life with us. I do hope her experience and words of advise are able to help anyone who is suffering such loss and heartbreak.


4 Stars


To find out more about S.J.D. Peterson and her books visit her website.


Buy Tag Team from Amazon


Buy Tag Team from Dreamspinner Press.

Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-nb

Double Full by Kindle Alexander

Double Full - Kindle Alexander

The Blurb...


Up and coming football hero, Colton Michaels, makes a Hail Mary pass one night in the college locker room that results in the hottest, sexiest five days of his young life. However, interference after the play has him hiding his past and burying his future in the bottom of a bottle. While Colt seems to have it all, looks can be deceiving, especially when you’re trapped so far in a closet that you can’t see your way out. When ten years of living his expected fast-lane lifestyle lands him engaged to his manipulative Russian supermodel girlfriend, he decides it’s time to call a new play.


Jace Montgomery single-handily built the largest all-star cheerleading gym in the world, driven by a need to forget a life-altering encounter with a handsome quarterback a decade ago. His reputation as an excellent coach, hard-nosed business man, and savvy entrepreneur earned him respect in the sometimes catty world of competitive cheerleading. When Jace learns of his ex-lover’s plans to marry, his heart executes a barrel roll and his carefully-placed resolve tumbles down without a mat to absorb the shock. Can his island escape help him to finally let go of the past and move his life forward?


So what did I think?


Desperate times call for desperate measures and I was desperate! I had been eagerly waiting for this book, diarised the release date and everything. So when Amazon delayed the release I had to resort to reading a PDF version bought from ARe. I hate PDF on the Kindle - thank goodness for the iPAD! But boy was it worth it!


My comment after the prologue....."Oh my, I've only read the couple of pages of the prologue and wow!"


I always knew I was going to love this book because I have really enjoyed everything I have read by Kindle Alexander and I wasn't disappointed. I loved the story of Colton, the fully in-the-closet football player and Jace, the gifted cheerleader. They have admired and lusted for one another from afar and finally come together for one hot and sizzling encounter that becomes a week together. But theirs is true love. Torn apart by tragic circumstance, they are never able to forget each other.


There is a wonderful blend of romance (Colt is surprisingly romantic and free with his emotions when he first opens up to Jace) and heartache. Colt has success in his sporting career but his personal life is tragic and Jace has not been able to move on despite achieving phenomenal success with his cheerleading business.


The story has heartbreak, drama, mystery and passion!


I was really pulled into the story so read it in one sitting (yes, it was a very late night, or should I say early morning!) but I just had to find out what happened at the end. The good news is that there is a happy ending. The bad news is there are still unresolved issues - or maybe that's good news because it means we get another book. And maybe we will see more of Mitch's story in Full Disclosure?


To find out more about Kindle Alexander and her books visit her website.


Buy Double Full from Amazon.


Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-n8
Fabulous opportunity in Sydney on Saturday night!
Fabulous opportunity in Sydney on Saturday night!

Are you in Sydney on Saturday night? Got nothing to do?  


Come along to a free evening celebrating gay romance!

149 M/M Romance Book Trailers and counting!


I’ve discovered that I really enjoy watching m/m romance book trailers – not as much as reading the books of course :) – but I get a kick out of seeing another side to the book, apart from the blurb.


It’s so interesting to see the elements the author has selected to include in the trailer.

  • The portraits and photos which show how the author has envisaged the main characters (I’m assuming the author approved them even if they didn’t find the pics themselves)
  • The chosen text and commentary to entice the reader
  • but most importantly, the music which really sets the mood!


I’ve managed to collect 149 m/m romance book trailers which I have collated into a You Tube Playlist. 


I hope you find some time to check them out and if you do find any that I haven’t yet included then please let me know so that I can add to my collection! 


I have included the link to the full playlist. I hope you enjoy my selection and most importantly, get tempted to buy and read the books! :)

Heart's Truth by Tamsin Baker

Heart's Truth - Tamsin Baker

The Blurb...


Marcus is a 30-year-old successful architect. He wants someone to love and knows the right man will turn up when he least expects it. That moment arrives at his friend’s party. He sees Danny for only a moment, yet his interest is piqued. What could be more irresistible than a blue-eyed beauty who is completely untouched? Danny knows he doesn’t find women attractive, but how is he going to find out if he’s gay? His sister’s party answers his prayers and the most gorgeous guy he has ever seen asks him out. But can their love survive when Marcus wants more than a closeted partner and Danny wants nothing more than to hide forever?


So what did I think? This was a nice short story which reminded me of my (slightly rebellious) teenage years with references to Winnie Blues and schoolies! Danny is young and slightly confused about his sexuality "Was he? Or wasn't he?" but seeing Marcus as his sister's party starts to help clarify things for him. "But if he was honest, he knew his confusion wasn't the cause of his uneasiness. Yes, he was terrified of following a path that was completely new and uncertain. But at this very moment what really worried Danny was that if Marcus left, he would never see him again."


It is really lovely to see how Danny and Marcus respond to each other with Marcus gently easing Danny into their relationship. Plus there is beautiful tenderness shown by Danny when Marcus gives himself to Danny..."We can learn together."


This is a sweet romance about Danny's coming out with a happy, smiling ending.


Plus I got the book for only $0.99 so no complaints there!


3 Stars


To find out more about Tamsin Baker's books visit her Goodreads Author Profile.


Buy  Heart's Truth from Amazon.


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Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-mZ