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Nic Starr

Nic Starr lives in Australia where she tries to squeeze as much into her busy life as possible. Balancing the demands of a corporate career with raising a family and writing can be challenging but she wouldn’t give it up for the world.

Always a reader, the lure of m/m romance was strong and she devoured hundreds of wonderful m/m romance books before eventually realising she had some stories of her own that needed to be told!

When not writing or reading, she loves to spend time with her family–an understanding husband and two beautiful daughters–and is often found indulging in her love of cooking and planning her dream home in the country.

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Currently reading

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Intercession by Pepper Espinoza

Intercession - Pepper Espinoza

The Blurb...


After fifty years of searching for his lost brother, vampire David Derringer attempts the unimaginable: he bends his knee in prayer. While he doesn’t believe, his mother’s faith was strong, and her final request—a request made the night she and David died—keeps David on the path to his younger brother, Danny, despite the many obstacles. David doesn’t expect his prayer to be answered. He certainly doesn’t expect an angel to intercede on his behalf.


Jophiel is tasked not only with helping David find his brother but with saving David’s soul. It seems like an impossible assignment meant to punish him, especially when they must face the Brotherhood of St. Rocco, an organization dedicated to eradicating vampires. But David has a chance to prove he’s not like other vampires when he meets Arthur, a young man with a secret and a death wish.


Following a very steamy encounter, Arthur expects to be bitten. David never even drops his fangs. Which is a good thing, since Arthur might be the key to finding Danny before it’s too late.


So what did I think?


I found this story unique and engaging. It tells the tale of David who has been searching for his brother for 50 years. As his desperation increases he turns to a church and prays for help. Help arrives in the form of angel Jophiel.


David has led a vampire's life but he is not like the other vampire's who roam the earth and live in the sewers, avoiding the Brotherhood, an organisation who hunt down and kill vampires. David's mission to find his brother Danny means he risks his life as he searches.


Jophiel is tasked with helping David and is convinces he does have a soul. He joins David on his journey and finds himself tempted in ways he never expected. Be prepared for some angel sex which is pretty spectacular! "He let his soul seek out David's as he rose up, let his heart sing, and chronicled every second, every unnecessary breath and gasp and sigh and squeak between them."


Vampires, angels, the mystery of Danny, attacks by the Brotherhood and temptations of the flesh - there's a lot going on and it makes for an interesting and engaging story. Things get even more interesting when David and Jophiel meet Arthur which adds a whole other layer of complexity.


The downside to this book? Yes, there's a pretty big one - the story just ended! I was left thinking what happened? it can't just end there! I understand there might be a sequel but when? It would be a real shame for the story not to continue so fingers crossed that a sequel is published!


This is a 4 star read!


To find out more about Pepper Espinoza visit the website.


Buy Intercession from Amazon.


Buy Intercession from Dreamspinner Press.

Source: http://wp.me/p3t48J-oE