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Nic Starr

Nic Starr lives in Australia where she tries to squeeze as much into her busy life as possible. Balancing the demands of a corporate career with raising a family and writing can be challenging but she wouldn’t give it up for the world.

Always a reader, the lure of m/m romance was strong and she devoured hundreds of wonderful m/m romance books before eventually realising she had some stories of her own that needed to be told!

When not writing or reading, she loves to spend time with her family–an understanding husband and two beautiful daughters–and is often found indulging in her love of cooking and planning her dream home in the country.

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Currently reading

One True Thing
Piper Vaughn, M.J. O'Shea
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It Should Have Been You
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The Prisoner (Broken, #1)
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Crack the Darkest Sky Wide Open
S.J.D. Peterson, Eric Arvin, Abigail Roux, T.J. Klune, S.A. McAuley, Jason Huffman-Black
Man, Oh Man! Writing M/M Fiction for Kinks & Cash
Josh Lanyon
Artistic Appeal (Bottled Up, #6)
Andrew Grey

First Impressions

First Impressions - Christopher Koehler This book was unusual for me as my opinion kept changing. One minute I was loving it, the next I wasn't so sure. In summary, I did enjoy the story and it's laugh-out-loud moments but a little more loving would have raised it just a notch.The strengths of the book were the wonderful range of characters - most hugely over the top, especially Cameron's mother - and the humour throughout the story. This is one of those books with some great one-liners. I also adored Cameron's 'stories' about his family.This is the story of two men who are looking for something more in their lives. Henry is an ex-porn star whose reputation seems to follow him everywhere. He is sick of being known for his huge 'endowment' and wants to find a special person to love him for himself. He is a successful business man and philanthropist.Cameron has tried to be independent and make a life away from his crazy family. He didn't want to dependent on their money or connections but at twenty-nine, finds himself in a position where he is wondering where his life is going.An unfortunate first meeting, where Henry insults Cameron based on a misunderstanding of what he thinks of Cameron, results in Cameron disliking Henry. But fate (and their friends) has a way of bring them together. As they keep running into each other, they are attracted and eventually realise they have both may have made a mistake in their first impression of each other.Throw in some fabulous and strange friends, wacky drag-queen uncles, Cameron's outrageous mother ("Her son wasn't the marrying type") and a bratty teenager and there is lots of fun.So where did it not come together for me? I think it was the romance angle. I wanted to see Henry and Cameron spend more time together and it just didn't happen. Because they weren't together, I also failed to see how their love developed. I guess I just wanted more love.I definitely think some points are deserved for including character names such as porn star "Hugh Jerection" (corny as that may be) and a kid calling his uncle's gay friend's "Uncle Dickrider" and "Uncle Fudgepacker" and them just putting up with it!3.5 starsI now publish all my m/m reviews on my blog so if you want to see all my m/m reviews in one place come visit at Because Two Men Are Better Than One!