True friends can find their way to each other through anything, and forgive anything, even very big mistakes. Do you see what I am saying?"Ethan was abandoned by Aiden, the young man he had just kissed and admitted his love for. Aiden had disappeared the very next day without a word.Ethan is not prepared for Aiden's return thirteen years later when he comes back to the town of Redemption to take up the role of chief of the Fire Department.Aiden wants to explain why he left and rekindle their love but Ethan is not prepared to be hurt again and I don't blame him given the way Aiden treated him!I found it difficult to feel sympathetic towards Aiden as I didn't fully support the reasons he left.However, even though I don't understand his reasons and certainly don't understand why he never made contact in all those years, I still couldn't help liking him. He obviously loved Ethan and was prepared to put his himself out there to win him back.The chemistry between the men was obvious and the sex was spectacular but what I really liked was the emotional pull.I liked the secondary characters, particularly Aidan's little brother Devlin. Devlin spluttered, "B-but I'm not just supporting my brother; I really am gay." "Hell son," Pete gave Devlin a noogie, "sure you are. We all are. I'm as gay as the day is long." I am looking forward to reading Devlin's story in [b:Devlin and Garrick|8414482|Devlin and Garrick (Seeking Redemption, #2)|Cameron Dane||13276447]3.5 stars I now publish all my m/m reviews on my blog so if you want to see all my m/m reviews in one place come visit at Because Two Men Are Better Than One!